Saturday 7 August 2010

"it's a new world" - Lee Taemin is a man.

On Star King last week SHINee's Taemin was shocked by a Brazilian Carnival dancer who revealed he slightest glimpse of her buttock...

Why was he so shocked? "well, it's a new world". LOL. Of course it is, sweet naive maknae, so young and innocent and underage....

But Lee Taemin is growing up fast and into such a beautiful young lady man:

How does this happen in 2 short years? and why? why does it happen this way? An epidemic of Nunas were already trying to avert their gaze from that perfect bowl cut, and all through those cute auburn curls and now we are faced with a comeback video largely centered around this boy who is only just eligible to obtain his provisional drivers license (in my country). Did I mention he is dressed in patent leather with slashed jeans, flicking his hair whilst making powerful angsty faces at you?

Taemin fans really seem to be multiplying by the day, half of them only now realising his manly potential (as it is thrust /thrusting in front of them) for the first time, the other half of them thinking who is this beautiful girl?? "Taemin is sooo pretty, maybe I could get my hair like that.."

Let me bring your attention to the most adorable Yahoo Answers exchange i've ever seen:

Absolutely DASHING
You know, I basically already have that same cut and colour whenever I straighten the life out of my hair, but however much I flick my fringe around in the mirror and rub my wrists together (perfecting the Lucifer dance) whilst gazing at myself longingly, I will never be as pretty as Taemin. *Aigo*

Oh and i'm just kidding about him being a girl, i'm just trying anything to make sure my subconscious keeps him over in the "out of bounds" category along with Teen Top and half of Infinite. If you wanted that kind of "rumour" (they say rumour, but really, did anybody actually think he's a girl???) cleared up then you're in luck as sweet taemin spoke up about this on Shim Shim Tapa radio show, you don't even need to watch the clip because this one screen shot says it all:
Although if you do watch the clip, you'll hear Minho chip in (in an attempt to verify) that he's "been to the bathhouse with him", which you can interpret as you wish, but i'll just say that they certainly haven't done anything to clear up those 2min rumours..)

Let's face it, who can resit this:



As Taemin grew his hair long (or had ratty extensions glued in... or some combination of the two...) his dream girl Emma Watson (as revealed in this post and then mentioned again multiple times here, including Key's strangely optimistic "But may have a chance with Emma Watson. She dates weird people.") has gone for a Mia Farrow super short crop and I'd love to know what Taemin makes of it all? I can't imagine he'd be into it because i'm stuck to think of a Korean Guy who says they like girls with short hair (oh aside form GD that time when he also said "I like girls who dress like little boys" oh GD, that's why you're my favourite!) To me this Emma Watson hair news is yet another reason SHINee need to get on Twitter, I would LOVE to see Taemin tweeting "@EmWatson WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?". Her hair's OK is suppose I have no real opinion of her either way, and besides Taemin was prettier than her in the first place.



K-Sensei said...

I'm not lying when I say that I have definitely considered taking a screen cap and giving it to my hairdresser.
In fact I am still entertaining the idea.
And let me just tell you that at 1:46 in the lucifer video, when he bites his lip and and does that funky move...I lose my mind.
But don't tell Onew.

Jessica Jane said...

Good morning to me!

Bunny said...

K - I don't even need to rewatch 1:46 because I know EXACTLY which bit you mean and I can already replay (replay replay....) it in my mind. And he started doing a sort of nose scrunch with a tiny dash of smugness, like he's finally old enough to understand what he's capable of, and now he's just teasing us.
regardless of his lip biting action, i'd still go with Onew Condition.

JJH - I'm glad it was a good morning to you! If I could have arranged for Taemin to be there today to spoon feed potato rosti into your mouth, you know I would have.

Benjamin Crabb said...

Well, it's as if they knew i'd stray so they put in two dreamy close ups of Onew directly after it. Of course this completely gets me back on the right track.

Jessica Jane said...

Such a little tyke he has turned into.
I wonder who it is that got to him. Any guesses? Minzy?
Oh Taemin. Becoming a man.

I hope it's not because he's found god...

Byul said...

Hi :) I just accidentally came over your blog. I checked SHINee tag, because they are my favs. This Taemin-based post just made me laugh so much! He's never been my favorite out of them (although I cannot pick my fav, I just love them all), nevertheless I've always considered him as so naturally pretty and I really adore him. Especially in Lucifer hairdo he was just stunning. Prettier than most girls. Lightly said.

However, I would also love them to on on Twitter just to see their reactions on some events. Emma's hair most probably shocked him completely, although I have nothing against it personally. And yes, I have to mention that clicking on your link and seeing Emma just after reading (and what is more important, SEEING) Taemin-centered post, I just got the impression that European girls are so... plain... sorry to say that. Of course I don't think like that all the time. But just in this moment - this was so obvious to me XD Yeah right, and I'm European too...

I'll be checking out your blog. It's a fun to read it! Cheers :)

Bunny said...

Hi Byul!

Thanks so much or reading, i'm glad you enjoyed it. There are two of us who write this blog (you can see who wrote each post at the bottom of the post) and we're both European too, although I wonder are we plain? what would Taemin make of us??! goodness knows!

Anyway we should be updating more regularly again soon so please check back again sometime,

I find it hard to pick a favourite in SHINee too...

I♥Asia said...

I've watched that vid I thought it was so cute and funny when Taemin was like I'm a man lol I know that he should be in the out of bounds area for me but hey he once said that when it comes to love age doesn't matter lol ^_^

Bunny said...

Thanks for commenting ^-^ yep, age is just a number....!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear hahaha first time ive seen the blog and first post i read.... girl i love you xD follow me on twitter and lets chat some time!!! lemoluv22