"... heaven knows i'm miserable now"
Trawling through the music shows last week I found a pretty disturbing sight.
One of Brave Girls wearing a Smiths T-shirt.
It got more disturbing when I clicked play... the videos been removed now but here's their performance from another show. picture the inclusion of the Smiths t-shirt and then there's the braids with beret, man apparently called "skull" with dreadlocks, a lots of hotpants, greased legs and the reggae beat. *shudder* and this is what Brave Brothers come up with for their own girl group?!? shame on them. (but I forgive them, with thanks for all their wonderful work with U-Kiss and so many other ridiculously catchy k-pop songs and the overuse of the "ayyyy!" sound effect)
Anyway, Morissey in K-pop, it was unexpected, but writhing to slow reggae jams on that girls chest with some customised fringing is not where I want to see him. I don't think he'd want to see himself there either.
A week later and I see Morrissey somewhere far more acceptable, on the chest of the Almighty Key co-ordinated with his lace up legged girl's Cheap Monday jeans and a Wonder Woman bracelet...
this time... PERFECT.
"you handsome devil"
I may be fickle, hypocritical and overly harsh in my dislike of non Jamaican people who like reggae too much or those who ever made the grave mistake of sporting dreadlocks... but that's just how it is. Key however, can do whatever the hell he wants.
deal with it.