Monday, 6 February 2012

Sungyeol appreciation corner proposal

Bunny, I propose that we make room for a Sungyeol Appreciation Corner. What do you say? He won't replace Taemin or anything, I just feel like he has really earned himself a spot of late...

Personally the owner/girl/whatever-you-want-to-call-her doesn't really bother me in this video. However, there is the fan-made option of 55 seconds solid Sungyeol for the die hard appreciators.

Don't worry, I am not trying to pillage him as my favourite Infinite member or anything, I just think he needs more appreciation. That's all. It's rare that we get to enjoy such high quality acting talent, and that fact that he is the new face of an animal abandonment charity should be the only justification we need, right???
Just to seal the deal...

screw face


puppy love

charm of the boy next door

Puppy in a papoose

Barely a week after writing this, Sungyeol really proved himself once and for all.

Three yays for Sungyeol ! ! !

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Rap Happy!

In celebration of the return of the prodigal Block B, I have created a little welcome back party in hip hop terms. Please join me in rejoicing. I have also been rather lost for words of late, so I will let the boys (and Hyuna) talk for me.

In case you needed a second dose of them or missed the MV, here is Block B's comeback single NalinA(난리나). Please excuse the face paint, and the moves somewhat imitating B.A.P., no one is perfect after all.

I missed you Block B boys!

On a side note, I feel as though they have come back older and wiser. Just take a look at a couple of the verses from this single...

Why are you all suffocatingly dressed up?
Just a single t-shirt can make the details stand out
My scale is completely different
When you look at me? make you crazy

I'm the specimen of a mother's friend's son
Even if I fall down, I look good
Everyone get in a line and follow me like a pesticide truck
It's my own thing - do not keep it for yourself

Full lyrics here

I'm sure we can all take something from this...

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Why aren't we best friends already ...


Almighty Key re-enacts his drunken dancing antics on ShimShimTapa radio show.

Almighty Key's wonderful interview in Dazed & Confused translated here.

Almighty Key looking precious at the airport here.

I will never tire of him.

Key, lets hang out. We can draw all day and listen to Morrissey...



Thursday, 5 January 2012

Red Setter!

Kyuhyun. Red Setter. same difference.

Happy New Year!

In 2012 Jessica and I will endeavor to return to our former sparkling blogging glory (whatever glory there was... we shall aim to retrieve it, sparkling)

While we may not have been posting here regularly / at all in the past days, weeks, months you can rest assured that the spirit of k-pop runs through our veins, and should you cut us, pumping autotuned dance music with synchronised beautiful youths dancing in matching outfits will surely pour out of us ... or something.

at least, rest assured that this week we have been watching all 3 networks new years k-pop specials and simultaneously weeping tears of pleasure and pain as we basque in the gleam of Ga-in's glittering thighs, watch 'rock version' performances through gritted teeth and worry about who Lee Hongki's potential recreational drug supplier might be.

hang in there, wait for us,


What’s the big deal about freedom? Just get it, get it

Have fun with some aberration, lub lub lub, dub dub dub
Do you wanna feel alive? Just grab it, grab it
My stories that are beating, lub lub lub, dub dub dub
(because you naughty, naughty)


Blow your mind, go mr. Simple
Blow your mind, the time has come, don’t be scared
Blow your mind, let’s go mr. Simple
Blow your mind, go mr. Simple"

you see what i'm saying?
no, me neither.