Thursday, 14 April 2011

감사합니다 / kamsahamnida!

Just a note to second the no-GIF zone apology / say thank you for the encouragement /excuse to post this:


Technically it is the next day already, so I repeat:
Only 2 frames, but the only 2 frames you need to see today.

They really have been working it hard, and so deserve a number one already!! AJ is making all the effort to make himself at home, and get close with the other members. I couldn't be happier.

U-KISS Hwaiting!!

♥ Nunas Hwating ♥


OK so Photobucket was having a massive freakout and all our precious GIFs disappeared (temporarily) but everything seems to be back in order now, but shame on you Photobucket, shame on you


If you happened to visit our blog in that time it was a terrifying sight, no GD flicking his fringe and smiling at you,  no GTOP cheek pinching, NO LEE TAEMIN APPRECIATION CORNER!?  oh and all the helpful group directory pictures went too,  it was a scary place to be. A world without GIFs is certainly not a world I want to live in...

So now to celebrate the return our of GIFs and also to give a special HWAITING to a Nuna currently studying hard in Scotland, or self motivational HWAITNG to a Nuna trying not to lose her mind in the midlands...  I'd like to reveal to you one of my finest animated GIF masterpieces to date.  Only 2 frames,  but the only 2 frames you need to see today.


Please set aside a few hours to gaze lovingly at all the glorious scans from the U-KISS "Bran New Kiss - 0330" CD booklet, you won't regret that use of time. Marvel at them here.

Also you might recall I hinted at a further update for our Anniversary celebrations, and you might have notice that didn't happen. sorry! When I have the time...


Friday, 8 April 2011


I felt I need to follow Jess's beautiful sentiment as quickly as I could. The tears are welling up when I think about this beautiful "archive" we have created. So proud to be a Nuna and so proud to have the the irreplaceable Jessica Jane as my partner in crime (it's just an expression, we haven't done anything illegal yet.. should I make a joke about checking ID? oh well, I just did - its just a joke!).  I never thought I would be lucky enough to ever meet anyone that could share the same passions as me so wholeheartedly, obsessively and be similarly verging on the edge of insanity ♥♥♥ Thank you to all our readers, old and new. We hope we bring you joy, even if you're laughing at us more than with us, we are blissful in our world. I hope you'll all still be reading next year, and in a typical self deprecating Korean way I think I should also mention how we are sorry if we disappointed you in anyway, we will continue to work hard and improve and make you proud of us.  NUNAS KNOW BEST HWAITING!!

now party time.....

In a hypothetically perfect world I would have organised a private karaoke party for us with the "CHOCOBALLS" :

OK, if you want me to be more realistic I would have saved up for the whole year and probably for that amount would have been able to hire ZE:A from Star Empire for at least half a day. Actually this is a pretty good idea.. if we all chip in we might not even have to save....



ps. hopefully I might have time to make another post before the day is over, or at least before the weekend is over... stay tuned!

pps. JJH - I am LOVING the mix, I really feel like you've made it as a DJ already,  I am waving my arms in the air like I just don't care.


기념일을 축하합니다 ♥ Happy Anniversary

Dearest Bunny, Alice, K-sensei, FNWL, and any others who happen to stumble across mine and Bunny's blog...
...Thank you for talking the time to read my rambling, adoring, over-indulgent, over-sharing, over-emotional posts for what may have been, as of today, one whole year. 감사합니다.
I wish I could throw a massive k-pop party bonanza for all of you just to show how grateful and happy I really am. However, due to geographic problems, time constraints and every other factor that seems to prevent my life from only being about k-pop 24/7, please accept a small k-pop party mix as consolation. It is not much, but if you have the time to listen to it, I want you to imagine that each of these boys (and girls) are stood just in front of you, singing and dancing only for you.

From here on out, Nunas Hwaiting!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Spring has sprung!

It feels like Spring may really be here - or is at least on its way. I may have left the house in the rain this morning, gray clouds hanging just above me as if I were Seungho, but it soon peaked at 13 degrees centigrade when I was walking to work (in a fur coat!!). And I checked, apparently it is even warmer in Seoul right now, at 15 degrees centigrade highs in the day. How I love Spring (I know you prefer winter Bunny, sorry). But do you want to know the best thing about Spring, the highlight? It could be the K-pop return to the rolled up trouser? Or it could be the generous adoption of pastel colours and stripes in the wardrobe department of the stylist nunas! YAY.

ZE:A have definitely been making the most out of their pastel pinks, baby blues X beige combo and some lovely meadow green too for their Here I Am comeback stages. And I have been happily watching every one of them, analysis closely Siwan's butterpfly hands etc. They may not have the coolest togs in town, lacking the Jeremy Scott t-shirt that has been doing the rounds or those lovely Louboutin rivet shoes that have appeared all over the K-pop shop, but they have been making the most of their limited budget, probably on dye to re-colour the clothes (has anyone else noticed that they pretty much seem to be identical garments, just different colours often?).
Keep up the good work, boys! I think they got an award at MTV Daum Music Festival? See them here, being adorable as ever.

U-KISS have also been making the most of the seasonal changes, in their lovely array of strips and knee high socks. I already got excited about this, but you can never give these lovely underdogs too much love - they need all the help they can get. Not least of all because they constantly tweet begging us to help them get to number 1, including voting links and all. Poor babes. I genuinely really really want them to get first place for once. ZE:A too. But U-KISS maybe even more so right now.
This bias may have a root to its cause, and it may lay, just possibly, in the 0330 MV ***starring*** Dongho in lead role. It may not be prime Spring time colours and clothes like the promotion pictures, but the Spring showers are pretty appropriate to Glasgow weather!

Welcome to my tragic love story, just to "break in my heart".

I can't even tell you how much I love this song. The twinkly piano opening matched with a random forest located actual piano, slightly reminiscent of Jane Campion's The Piano film (though not a beach this time). A piano which Dongho plays (we ignore the girl/love interest). We see him sleeping, quietly, peacefully, like an angel, sporting a wonderful stripped pajama top - my mind could not have concocted a happier image if left to its own devices. But wait a second, hang on one moment. Something I did not spot the first time, or the tenth time of viewing, and had to have my most valued Unni point out to me - Eli is watching Dongho sleep, looking over at him, meanwhile telling us to "Yo, listen up..." Excellent!!

As Hoon's vocal talent kicks in, so does the storyline, and Dongho is back in school uniform. Uh oh. And being jumped by Kiseop and Hoon. I want to be jumped by Kiseop in a subway tunnel, no fair!! Both of then arm and hands draped over Dongho's shoulders, what a pair of lovely hyungs ♥

And I really must say, I love the shimmy dance at around 1minute that AJ is impeccably rapping to - Soohyun really has it down to a tee, his lapels whipping about. And AJ has certainly mastered a fabulous shoulder shrug, fully embodying his confusion and attitude as he sings 'Because I couldn't do anything again / I regret it again everyday. I'm sorry / I pray, I want you to be back / I can't. I can't stand it. I cannot stand a day without you. / My tears are falling again." Or something along those lines.

But one question. This is a teen love story, right?? Dongho is in school uniform. But why is he handing her back fabric, fabric which I can only assume to be clothes?! Why would he have her clothes?! Such a smug teen!

Oh wait, stop the press ----------- after this comes Kiseop's one line!!
Oh tonight again, tonight again, her
Bless his cotton socks!

Dongho's rap. Wow. I think his voice has gotten lower, and it may be that he is chaneling this cocky adolescent teen in love, or it may actually be that he is cocky considering all the film roles he is simply forced to turn down these days. Whatever it is, he needs to keep doing it.

"You, drooping your shoulders
You, taking a rest on the ground
You, hitting your chest in frustration

And this is also where the storyline starts kicking off. Something has happen, because Eli is getting angsty, shoving Kevin and all sorts! Dongho goes from looking happy on the phone to having Eli snatch it away from him. Is Eli jealous of him (or her)? But then they all seem to gang up on Dongho, Kiseop, Kevin... Even AJ puts a hand on the shoulder, pouts whilst shaking his head and seems to says "Shhhhh". All the hyungs are crowding around. Combined with the shhhh-ing does that mean that they are actually comforting him? Who knows, someone help me work it out?

Seems like this may not be the only thing to work out. As AJ and Eli go into my second favourite rap of the song, the couple rap, another equation pops up in the form of my favourite line of the song. It is the "You make me pissed off" or "Feeling like a freak, invading my soul" of 0330:

Don't deny our r²π

Maybe this equation is actually the answer, as after this, everyone seems to be friends again... Happy times. And the couple are back on (we won't dwell here), and Soohyun lets out out a lovely long note atop a roof. Wrapped out with a last touch of forest mid-rain piano playing that is our lot. And I think I love every bit of it. I like it so much I've not even migrated to watching the "drama version" as my daily dose, not least of all because they seem near on identical to me. Maybe we can play spot the difference?


To end this Spring time bonanza, I would like to mention a little SHU-I. Bunny and I have a very challenging relationship with this band, partly because we find it near on impossible to identify each member. As soon as we have it down with one photograph, we look at another and it is right back to square one, even when we are sat side by side without our magical powers combined. One day I am sure they will earn their own lengthily post. However, until then, this will do - their new Springtastic Japanese debut MV Smile For Me. I am not embedding it - there is no point for a song that I will only ever "listen to" on silent from here on out. You can hear why for yourself. But look:
------Prior warning------ maximum kawaii (かわいい = Japanese for cute)------

Looks at them frolicking, handling the chihuahuas all so tenderly! Talk about a dream come true. Perfect concept.

Boys nuzzling dogs, boys cuddling dogs, dogs licking the noses of boys...!

It's a happy Spring for all.


Anyone for tennis?

Think that Kyuhyun and Dongho Donghae may be playing as a pair in mixed doubles. I'll partner up with Ryewook then, no problem there.