Wednesday 22 June 2011

Cameo appearence of the year - NerdTeuk

Super Junior's Leeteuk guest appearance on the "All my Love" sitcom:

"super... junior" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ahahahahahaah. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. lolz.

and here is Leeteuk after Jo Kwon's character gives him a makeover (FYI, Kwon's hair is so tragic I couldn't even bring myself to screencap it):

Now Leeteuk is a sweetheart no matter what, but aside from the tracksuit, bad posture and the confidence of a wet blanket then call me crazy but the pre make-over "Leeteuk" was SO MUCH HOTTER.  Bowl cuts and potter glasses all round thanks.  That pocket kerchief is pretty great though, hmm bowl cut nerd Teuk in a blazer and some ankle grazers please. Top it off with deck shoes thanks and maybe put the spectacles on a chain.

You can watch the full cuts here.
Oppa (and I don't get to say it often enough), I'll miss you when you go into the army, I really will.

ps. Is DooJoon still in All my Love?  I miss this.



Jessica Jane said...

♥ Leeteuk ♥ Doojoon ♥ OPPAS ♥
Alice and I read this side by side in France and it warmed both of our hearts, already warm from the sun, simultaneously.

The Super Junior joke. I love whoever wrote that into the script.

Seriously though, why make that over?! Not the "penis haircut" of Detroit Metal City. It is too perfect to mess with

***Spectacles on a chain***
[ p.s. he wasn't here this time either :'( ]

I really don't want him to go into the army. Please no, not Kim Jae and now Leeteuk. Hope it's not too soon. At least Boyfriend have a few years yet...

Bunny said...

Swoons at you and Alice.

I really don't get it, Japan & Korea love neat hair, and they love glossy hair, so how come the glossiest and neatest perfect bowl is still considered "not cool" ? its madness.

oh *** spectacles on a chain *** did he even really exist? i think we made him up.

LOL. a FEW years??? Boyfriend have got like 10 years before this is an issue!!

Jessica Jane said...

Shhh, who's counting anyway! Let's just enjoy them whilst we can, before they grow up and get taken away.

I don't know why it's not cool, I really don't. Let's make it our mission in Japan to let everyone know that it is most definitely COOL.