Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I Salute You.

It has been over two months... and I/me and Bunny are sorry. Relocation to Japan (for the both of us) has taken its toll. And no internet connection to call our own for the first three weeks of living in our new Tokyo house damn near killed us. We missed a lot, and still have much to catch up on, but please bear with us.

We are not the only ones who seem to have lost their grip on life.
Just look at Kwangsoo of Supernova (orange sweater) - what happened?! I think he has been comfort eating... I think we, though it pains me to say it, may have something in common...

This past couple of months have been very emotional indeed. I have, amongst massive life changes, temporarily lost three of my most treasured hallyu stars - and Kwangsoo has lost his favourite hyung - to the South Korean army. I am no expert on the matter, but compulsory military service is South Korea in usually 21 months I believe, and there isn't really a conscientious objector option (bar going to jail). Avoiding it just brings shame and a whole lot of trouble, and you will probably never work again. I won't even bring up the disputed case of MC Mong again. So the fact of the matter is that I lost three of my nearest and dearest for the time, and that is that.

Yunhak (Supernova) went from this:

To this:

I really hope he is ok, and is not too cold in the bitter winter without his glossy fringe :(
He was the life and soul of Supernova. He got them to the top (in Japan) with songs like Shining Star, and he really was an excellent leader. I know he will be back, but will there really be anything left to return to??? No offense Sungje, but I don't trust you being left in charge of the band in his absence. All you do is take selcas of yourself and tweet them all day long!!!

There have been tears, lots of tears, so many, especially from Supernova. I may have cried with them.
"Anoooo, anooooo..."

Let's not even get me started on the departure of Heechul oppa too. Woe is me!

I hope he is not being bullied in the barracks for his effeminate streak and homoerotic tendencies.
We all miss him a lot, just like we knew we would. But luckily I discovered last night that he made provisions...of course he did!

As I watched a video of Super Junior and f(x) performing the amazing song Oops on the Super Show 4 highlights, look who appeared like a vision!!! There is his, number one oppa! And how else to greet him than to stand in a line facing the screen and salute him, for the entirety of his rap verse. Now that is respect. Heechul oppa, we all bow down to you, even in your absence. This is not to mention how truly brialliant this song is by the way, complete with intro growl. Thank you for bringing it to my attention Bunny!


Last, but certainly not least, we also had to bid farewell to Kim Jae Wook, of Antique and Walrus fame, not so long ago. Who went from Hedwig...

To army buff...

In basically a matter of hours.


But, all is not doom and gloom. There is light at the end of the tunnel. They come back. And here is some proof:


We have missed you SO much!!! And I can't wait to see pictures and clips of you in the new Doctor Zhivago stage performance that you will be doing as your comeback?!

I guess it will be a 2012 hwaiting! we have to look forward to.


Bunny said...

saranghae jessica chan xxx

Jessica Jane said...

♥ おやすみ ♥