Thursday 21 October 2010

My dearest (E)squire(s)

This is how my day should be. If I had you both by my sides boys (i.e. one either side, flagging me), these postgrad reading and essay writing woes would simply fade away...

Reader, join in with me here.
I hope you are feeling ready to get cracking on those thesays you have to be writing. Specs on!


Now that all the hard work is finished, entirely painlessly of course, and you've combated those aesthetic theory terrors (I know Taemin and I have been reading the same thing), how about a brief hiatus. I say, get yourself a nice cup of tea and sit down to this (possibly the most perfect young squire you may ever have the good fortune to consort with). How do you do?

Already it seems, with little to no effort, that hard day of study has been completed. With pretty much no trouble at all (especially with the extra help of the portable typewriter and key texts Taemin kindly brought along). It may even be safe to say that, together, we conquered it!

And with no sweat, not even a hair out of place. Without forgetting that a day cannot be complete with a little exercise - ever so good for the constitution - I suggest we don our jackets and walking sticks and go for, let's say, an evening stroll?


If every day could be like that, then I would never have to wake up like this:

Come to think of it, is this is a school day, then can I go on holiday with JinSWOON and the Maritime Marvellers please?


Bunny said...

so sorry I left all these un commented!! I'm sure you know I would have been commenting in my head, stroking the screen, stamping my feet in delight and whooping in agreement at the end of each sentence, but even so, it was impolite of me not to respond.

I'm sure academic Squire Taemin and his portable typewriter would never leave correspondence unreplied. At home in his housecoat and slippers he would sit down at his writing desk and tap on the frame of his spectacles whilst thinking of the perfect linguistics to convey his message and his emotion to you.

I often think of you in the castle like library building I have constructed in my mind with these two either side, Taemin always insists on carrying your books for you, and Minho always fetches down those troublesome volumes placed a little too high on the shelf.

Weekend strolls with the dashing dog must be a real thrill.

Jessica Jane said...

You really don't need to comment Unnie dearest. never impolite.
thank you for expanding on the narrative. It's much appreciated. :)

I wish MinHo would grab those books down for me - some old tome nearly fell on my head today...