Wednesday 21 April 2010

"...begging for you to come, even just briefly"

And Jaebeom, you came. It's as if I was the one who sang Again and Again, and you were my audience - either way, you answered my beckoned call in the form of a dream just two nights ago. Your first sleep induced appearance of mine, thank you.
Rather upsettingly, I've only enjoyed rather a scarce number of K-pop member starring dreams, but I am always in the process of rectifying this. It's obvious then why I was oh so glad to have Jae pop up, accompanied with a little dance and all.

So, as it goes, we were in some galley style kitchen setting. I was standing off to the right, looking on to the kitchen scene, and in some line formation, Nickhun (blonded) and Taecyeon, and fading into the distance other 2PM members, were lining the galley along the cabinets, facing towards me and the soon to appear Jae. Before he entered, Nickhun placed a pan onto a low set stove, lid angled at a tilt. (I think Nickhun and Taec and the other 2PMers were just there for goodwill- this was their only function - standing and placing prop). Soon after which, Jae danced his way onto the scene. It was an improv/ad lib style sequence that included some jazzy tapping and what not. He made such a ruckus launching up onto the kitchen work surfaces, dancing over them, and pouncing off again that he really sent the pot lid wobbling. Eventually, after it toppled, he started to wrap up his dance. As he approached the long length of the kitchen (from mine and the pots end) for one last tumble sequence, he had a sincere look in his eye. As he began, he leaped up onto the first worktop, where the stove and pan were located, so wildly that he did not see where he was headed. It all ended rather abruptly as he landed, and disappeared, into the pan. And that's that (as GD would sing).

P.S. Yikes!

How does a leather coat slung atop a head look so great? Tell me.

Sock and boxer shorts with no trousers. This is one of the bestest combinations ever. Grandpa chic - how did he know..

Such a stern look paired with forwards combed hair. So many emotions that it's hard to pick out one prevailing one. Maybe smoking will suffice for now.

Boy next door?

Model pose just for Men's Health. I hope these readers realise how blessed they are with this casual, coat over the shoulder, Chansung dreamboat.

Maybe tonight Chansung will make it to be lead protagonist.


Benjamin Crabb said...

In your dreams...

Jessica Jane said...

I have my fingers crossed.

Bunny said...


I dont even know what to say.

I feel your dream is somewhat overshadowed by everything that came after it. In fact everything that has ever happened to anyone, ever, anywhere, has just been forgotten with one glimpse of Changsung in some short shorts and boots combo.

I don't even remember my own name.


Jessica Jane said...

You caught me. The dream was just a guise that Kayleigh and I cooked up to make me feel less shallow and like I had more substance than merely posting semi-nude pictures of one of the hottest 20 year olds there is. Damnit.

Also, the boots/boxers/socks combo is absolutely my favourite. This one really takes the biscuit!

Bunny said...

By using my hand to cover the distracting beauty that came below I have managed to re read your dream, with concentrated focus and I must comment again just to say WOW.

He danced his way into the pot!? Its incredible, I want to applaud your subconscious brain for such a wonderful creation!

Lately I've had a couple of furious waking moments of only a vague sense of a k-pop presence. About a week ago I awoke and proudly exclaimed "RAIN WAS IN MY DREAM!" then sadly "i don't remember any of it.. :(" and then a few days ago , I was blessed with an appearance by the one and only T.O.P, all am I left with is a very blurry recollection that he was teaching me, or I was teaching him, the art of MIME. yes. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for flashbacks.

Jessica Jane said...

That is fantastic! MIME of all things. I bet he was brilliant. Awkwardly fluid is how i'd imagine it. I wish you could memember.

I still hope for k to become more frequent in my dreams. I don't know why it's holding back!